Thursday, January 4, 2007

Ministry Overview

Bob and his wife, Sue, have been involved in lay ministry together since 1975 and separately for a number of years before that. Based on the absolute authority of the Bible, their work focuses on leading people to faith in and a transforming relationship with Jesus Christ and discipling those who accept Him as Lord and Savior.

Currently, working under the auspices of the Warren (NH) United Methodist Church, their ministry is principally along two lines…

Youth Ministry
Since 1999, Bob and Sue have sponsored North Country FevaH (‘fever’ with a Yankee accent!) for teenagers grade 7 and up. The group draws kids from multiple denominations as well as those with no church background from communities within a radius of 30 miles. FevaH meets in their home for Bible study, prayer, meals, games and supervised social time. The group is also involved in missions, supporting an Ethiopian child through Compassion International, performing service projects for the local food pantry and meals program and fundraising for the local crisis pregnancy center. In 2006, two members of the group went on a 10-day missions trip to Haiti.

Bob and Sue were both performing Christian musicians when they met in 1974 and combined their ministry to churches and coffeehouses around New England. Although their travel schedule was cut back by other (youth) work and the raising of their two children, they continue to provide worship music for the Warren church and take engagements whenever possible. They are working on recording their first album.

Sue is a trustee of their home church and a communion steward. Bob is a certified lay speaker in the New Hampshire District, New England Conference of the United Methodist Church and a member of both the Youth Council and Ministry Team for the district. A Christian broadcaster for 18 years, Bob was the announcer and producer for the syndicated radio programs, Trinity Pulpit and Shalom. He also served as the ‘interim’ lay pastor for a small Baptist church for 6-and-a-half years. Together, they led the junior high ministry at First Presbyterian Church in Quincy, MA for several years before moving to New Hampshire.

Donations are gratefully accepted for the support of these ministries.

Although their work is under the auspices of the Warren church, it is funded independently of the church budget. As such, donations are not tax deductible for the giver and are subject to income tax, so no single donation should be above the amount of $20.00. All receipts will be tithed upon and the after-tax amount will be used entirely for support of FevaH and the music ministry.

Checks should be made out to “Robert Moulton” and sent to
POB 141, Wentworth, NH 03282

Donations can also be made via PayPal to:

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