Monday, October 20, 2008

Prayer List

The more I think about prayer in this column, the more I come to believe that we need to take it beyond the level of theology. It should be helpful to explore the whys and hows of prayer, but the best way to learn to pray successfully is to do it.

So, what I'm thinking is that I'll open this page up for you to share your needs. An on-line prayer list. And not just the needs., but also the answers when they come, so that everyone's faith can benefit.

Email me at: with anything you'd like to share and I'll post it.

Please: first names only and only as much detail as we need to pray for a specific need. No personal details that can put someone's privacy in jeopardy.

Just to give you an idea of the content, I'll post the first few...

Jon -- suffering from Lyme disease for 15 years

Bill -- needs a new kidney

Kathy -- recovering from a bad stroke

Carl -- recovering from multiple strokes

Dave -- nerve disorder from chemical exposure during military service

The Election -- give us the government we need and wisdom to the winning candidates

The government -- wisdom to lead us, to make righteous decisions and laws

Iraq and Afghanistan -- peace, stable democratic governments

Our service men and women -- safety, success in establishing liberty, bring them home

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